East Bedroom

Sasha Obama and friends, about 2010

The "Yellow Bedroom"


The bathroom in 1952 (Truman Library)

Two bedrooms on the north side of the second floor are part of small suites with their own bathrooms. The east bedroom connects to the Closet Hall to the west. This bedroom was used once by President Chester Arthur, who ordered a regally carved headboard, canopied in blue and complete with double mattresses for himself.

It was a bedroom for Frederick Dent (father of First Lady Julia Grant); Mary Dimmick (niece of Caroline Harrison and later wife of the widowed president) and John Scott (father of Caroline Harrison); Kermit Roosevelt; Madge Wallace (mother of Bess Truman); Caroline Kennedy; Pat Nugent and Luci Johnson Nugent and their son; Tricia Nixon; Susan Ford; Amy Carter; Chelsea Clinton.

The room was used as an office by Nancy Reagan.

More Images

The East Bedroom in 1992, looking northwest (HABS)

The East Bedroom in 1992, looking southwest (HABS)

Nancy Reagan's study in 1981, looking east (Reagan Libary)

Nancy Reagan's study in 1981, looking east (Architectural Digest)

Nancy Reagan's study in 1981, looking north (Architectural Digest - Derry Moore)

Susan Ford and First Lady Betty Ford in 1974, looking southeast (White House Historical Association - Ford Library)

Tricia Nixon's bedroom, looking north

Tricia Nixon's bedroom, looking east

The room as Caroline Kennedy's bedroom in 1962, looking north (Kennedy Library - Robert Knudsen)

The room as Caroline Kennedy's bedroom in 1962, looking northwest (Kennedy Library - Robert Knudsen)

The room as Caroline Kennedy's bedroom in 1962, looking east (Kennedy Library - Robert Knudsen)

The room as Caroline Kennedy's bedroom in 1962, looking south (Kennedy Library - Robert Knudsen)

Ike by the fire, around 1960 (Eisenhower Library)

The East Bedroom in 1952, looking northwest (Truman Library)

The East Bedroom in 1952, looking northeast (Truman Library)

The East Bedroom in 1952, looking southwest (Truman Library)

The East Bedroom as a sitting room in 1948, looking northeast (Truman Library)

The East Bedroom in 1948, looking northwest (Truman Library)