White House Grounds

created by Peter Sharkey Men's Room


President's Park

The White House sits on an 18-acre plot of land that, together with the Ellipse to the south (52 acres total), is called "President's Park." The White House faces north (top) and sits opposite Lafayette Square Park, which honors the Marquis de Lafayette, hero of the American Revolution.

Park Reservation Number One

The grounds and exterior walls of the White House are designated Park Reservation Number One and maintained by the National Park Service. The interior of the Residence is the responsibility of the Executive Residence under the chief usher. The East Wing and West Wing are managed by the General Services Administration.

The grounds and garden crew consists of 13 regular staff. The chief horticulturist is on the Executive Residence staff. The other 12 are National Park Service staff: 3 foremen, 8 gardeners, and 1 maintenance operator. Additional Park Service personnel can be called in for more infrequent work on trees, roads and trails, maintenance, and outdoor plumbing and electrical service.

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