Bedroom 327

Bedroom 327 in 1992, looking southwest (HABS)


Bath just off the entrance

South Bedroom

This is a large bedroom on the third floor of the White House. It is a suite, with its own bathroom around the corner from the entrance. A small closet is accessible through a hidden door on the east wall. The room is designed to be able to stand alone or used as the master bedroom in a family suite with the room next door as a child's bedroom and the corner room as a private sitting room or second child's bedroom.

In the Kennedy era, this was the "Pineapple Bedroom," so-named for the pineapple finials on the two matching beds that dated to the mid-1800s. The walls were covered in green Japanese silk wallpaper. Draperies and bedcovers were made of green and blue chintz, while the floor was covered with the blue Queens' Bedroom old carpeting, which was specially dyed for the purpose. The room next door was the "Pineapple Sitting Room."


More Images

Bedroom 327 in 1992, looking southeast (HABS)

Bedroom 327 around 1985, looking northwest (Reagan Library)

Door to the lavatory, 1992 (HABS)

The room in 1960, looking southwest (Kennedy Library - Robert Knudsen)

The room in 1952, looking northeast;
note the pineapple finials on the beds that gave the room its name in the Kennedy era (Truman Library)