National Security Adviser’s Office

Barack Obama talks with Shivshankar Menon, national security advisor of India,
in 2011 in Tom Donilon's office (White House, Pete Souza)

Old Press Room

The northwest corner of the West Wing is the office of the president's National Security Adviser. The room previously served as the West Wing office of the Secretary of State.

Until 1969, the Press Corps Offices occupied this room in the northwest corner of the West Wing.

More Images

Steven Hadley with a guest in the office, around 2008

Stephen Hadley with the foreign minister of Pakistan in 2008 (Foreign Ministry of Pakistan)

President Bush with Colombian Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos, around 2008

Steven Hadley with a guest in the office, around 2007

President Bush with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the office in 2007

Stephen Hadley with Bangladesh foreign minister in 2005 (Republic of Bangladesh)

Stephen Hadley in 2005 (Corbis - Richard A Bloom)

Condi Rice and Karen Hughes, around 2003

Condi Rice and Karen Hughes, around 2002

Condi Rice and Karen Hughes, around 2002

Condi Rice and Karen Hughes, around 2002

President Ford meets with staff in 1976

Henry Kissinger (on phone) in 1975

Henry Kissinger in 1972

Old Press Room (pre-1969)

Reporters watch LBJ on televisions in the old Press Room in 1968 (Corbis)

Reporters watch television in the old Press Room in 1965 (Life - Francis Miller)

Reporters watch television and play cards in the old Press Room in 1965 (Life - Francis Miller | Life - Francis Miller)

Reporters in the old Press Room in 1965 (Life - Francis Miller)

The old Press Room (northwest corner of the West Wing) during the 1960 visit of Charles De Gaulle (Life)

The press room in 1958 (Life)

The press reacts to news of Ike's stroke in 1957 (in the old Press Room northwest corner of the West Wing) (Life)

The press room in 1956 (Life - Edward Clark)

Senator Blair Moody visits with the press in 1951 (in the old Press Room northwest corner of the West Wing) (Life)

Charles Ross conducts a press gaggle in 1948 (Life)

Old Press Room in 1945 (in the northwest corner of the West Wing) (Life)

Old Press Room in 1945 (in the northwest corner of the West Wing);
reporters scramble to call in their stories announcing the surrender of Japan (NARA)

Old Press Room in 1941 (in the northwest corner of the West Wing);
reporters call in stories on the attack on Pearl Harbor (Life)

"New" press offices in 1929 (after the 1929 Christmas eve fire), just off the Lobby in the pre-FDR West Wing (Library of Congress)

Calvin Coolidge with members of the White House Photographers Association in 1923 (Library of Congress)