West Wing Lobby

The West Wing Lobby in 2011


Ladies' lavatory


Before the creation of the Press Briefing Room and offices for journalists, the West Wing Lobby was the location that much news was passed to men from the press. The contemporary lobby is considerably smaller than the 1934 Roosevelt lobby. Its northern section has been walled off to create additional West Wing staff offices and the room has been converted into of a waiting room.

A small vestibule provides a formal entry to the space. And there are restrooms off the short corridor between the vestibule and the lobby proper.

More Images

Visitors in the lobby in 2008

The West Wing Lobby, looking southwest, circa 2006

West Wing Lobby, looking west in 2004 (lonetreerick)

Computer rendering of the West Wing Lobby overview, circa 2005, looking southwest—
the space in the upper left was once also part of the lobby (Pete Sharkey)

Computer rendering of the West Wing Lobby, looking southwest, circa 2005 (Pete Sharkey)

West Wing Lobby foyer, looking south, circa 2004

The West Wing Lobby, looking southwest, circa 2002

West Wing Lobby entrance, looking south, circa 1999

The West Wing Lobby around 1991 (White House Historical Association)

The West Wing Lobby in 1979 (White House Historical Association)

The West Wing Lobby in 1975 (White House Historical Association)

West Wing Lobby in 1965, looking south (Life)

West Wing Lobby in 1965 (Life - full panorama)

Phone bank in the Lobby in 1965 (Life - Francis Miller)

West Wing Lobby foyer, looking south, in 1956 (Life - Edward Clark)

West Wing Lobby foyer in 1956 (Life - Edward Clark)

West Wing Lobby foyer, looking south, circa 1950, with William Simmons at his desk (Truman Libray - Abbie Rowe)

William Simmons, West Wing receptionist, at his desk in 1946—
this part of the lobby has since been converted into offices (NARA)

Journalists scramble for press releases on the surrender of Japan in 1945 (NARA)

Journalists scramble for press releases on the surrender of Japan in 1945 (NARA)

Senator Tom Connally entering through the vestibule in 1941 (Life)

Reporters' coats and hats sit waiting in 1937 (Library of Congress | similar from Life)

Phone bank in the Lobby, around 1935 (Library of Congress - Harris & Ewing)


Old Lobby (pre-1934)

Looking north out the lobby doors in 1923 (Library of Congress - Harris & Ewing)

Alterations being made to the lobby of the old West Wing, circa 1923, looking north out the front doors (Library of Congress)

A new floor being laid in the lobby in 1923, looking southeast (Library of Congress)


Original Lobby (pre1909)

The lobby doors around 1908 (Library of Congress - Harris & Ewing)

The original Executive Office Building Lobby, looking southeast, circa 1903 (Library of Congress - Waldon Fawcett)

The original Executive Office Building Lobby, looking southwest, circa 1902; at center is Doorman Arthur Simmons,
who is seen manning the same post in the old executive offices (today's East Sitting Hall) in an 1898 photo